The Right Mindset For Today
Do yourself a huge favor. Start your day off by letting the Holy Spirit take the lead so you can have a life-giving experience today! Romans 8:14 tells us that ‘all who are led by the Spirit are children of God’. Make it your morning practice to surrender to the leading of the Spirit.
How can you do that? Get the right mindset! Romans 8:5 says, “Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.”
You have a decision to make every morning. What will you focus your mind on? What will be your first thoughts and mental input for the day? If you want to be led by the Spirit you need to make up your mind to meditate on the things of God. Here are a few ways to focus your mind today and through the week:
- Read Romans 8 and learn what the Spirit has to say about himself.
- Choose one verse from Romans 8 to meditate on this week. Write it down.
- Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and mind and to guide you. He will!
You may not feel up to this today. You may feel spiritually weak. That’s okay. Romans 8:26 tells us that “the Spirit helps us in our weakness.” Just take the first step toward the right mindset and be surprised when the Spirit comes alongside of you and strengthens you in ways you did not expect! The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you and he will give life to your body as well.
I am praying that you will sense the leading of the Spirit this week and I’d love to hear what verse you pick to memorize!
Pastor Jon