We’re calling this ‘Soul Care September’ but, it doesn’t matter when you’re reading this. Whenever you’re going through a season of exhaustion, or you just feel constantly drained, look to Him who restores all things. Be intentional, putting your hope in He who is faithful, and He will be faithful to you. 

Here are three means of grace that God can use to restore your weary soul over the next 30 days if you will let him. 

1. Adjust Your Rhythm Of Life

It is easy to drift into hectic routines that leave no space for God.   Rewrite your daily schedule and make adjustments for this month that will give you more unhurried time with Jesus in solitude and the Scriptures. Don’t make excuses.  Cut out those time wasters.  Remember what Jesus told us in Matthew 16: ‘What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for?’  

2. Begin A New Prayer Practice

Implement a new aspect to your prayer life that will strengthen your soul on a daily basis.  Instead of doing all the talking, take a full five minutes to be quiet and listen and let God minister to you.  Romans 8 tells us, The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness…when we don’t know what God wants us to pray for the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. The Father knows your heart and knows what the Spirit is saying.  The Spirit is pleading for you in harmony with God’s own will.’

3. Confess A Sin

Confession is good for the soul. Read Psalm 32.  It says something like this, ‘When I kept silent about my sin my bones wasted away and my strength was sapped.  But when I acknowledged my sin to God, he forgave me.  Now my heart is singing!’   Take a few minutes each evening as you prepare for sleep to let God search your heart.  He will bring to mind an attitude, action, or inaction from the day that was not pleasing to Him.  Confess it and be surprised by how good you sleep!