The Gospel of Matthew starts out by giving us the genealogy, or family tree, of Jesus. These
first 17 verses are like a bridge from the Old Testament to the New. This was especially
important to the Jewish audience that Matthew was writing to as he wanted to show them that
Jesus was the anticipated Messiah and King that they had been waiting for.
The word ‘Advent’ comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning ‘coming’ or ‘arrival.’ As
Christians, we use the four weeks leading up to Christmas to meditate on the incarnation of
Christ; his first coming when he was born in Bethlehem. We should also be anticipating his
Second Coming; the time when our mighty King will return and every knee on earth will bow to
him. Let’s use this Christmas season to become more aware of what we are bowing down to.
What we are worshiping. Let’s make sure that our total allegiance is to King Jesus.