Day 17 | The Ferrelll Family
Hebrews 1:1-5

God Speaks to Us

In Advent, we remember a world for the satisfaction of the
wrath of God, holding to a hope beyond the fallen world.
Like us, the writer of Hebrews looks back on this waiting. We
have seen the expected, shattering arrival of God in the
flesh to Earth. The promise of a savior that was made at the
fall of man was fulfilled in the Son, the “radiance of the
glory of God “making the purification for sin.

The wait for a savior has ended, and so we celebrate. Yet,
still we wait.

As we wait, let us rest, knowing that we look to the same
God who created, promised a savior, and came to us.
Having seen the abundant provision of our merciful God,
we wait with the freedom to lay down our own strivings.
Instead of working to save ourselves, we work to bring
others to this hope.