Day 11 | Matt, Kacey & Sadie Bowman
Luke 1: 34-38

No Turning Back

In this passage, the angel of the Lord shares with Mary
God’s plan for bringing the Messiah to earth. God’s power is
displayed through Elizabeth conceiving, as well as Mary
conceiving but immaculately. Mary responds to God’s plan
by simply saying that she is a servant of the Lord. Mary was
young and unmarried, but she had no concern about the
social and cultural implications of becoming pregnant. She
was willing to give up everything about her current life
(reputation and relationships) to do what God was asking
of her. Jesus has the same expectation of us, that we would
be willing to give up everything to follow Him.

(Additional reading: Luke 14:25-33, Matthew 16:24-26).

Take a moment to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to
you an area in your life that you need to turn over to the