Day 2 | Rick & Sherri St. Pierre
Isaiah 7:10-17

The Sign of Immanuel

Even King Ahaz, a direct descendent of the house of David,
put his faith in the powers of the world to provide his
deliverance. God, speaking through Isaiah, provided him a
reminder, and a sign that God is the only one who can give
us salvation. The sign he provided was the birth of his Son,
through a virgin birth. His name would be Immanuel “God
with us.”
Like Ahaz, we too can rely on this world and the things we
think we control for our rescue. God reminds us that his sign
to all of us is the gift of His son Jesus and that our salvation
comes through Him alone. This Christmas season, we need
to get rid of the noise in this world and make time to focus
on God’s gift to all of us and the promise of salvation
through Him.
Have a blessed and joyful Christmas!