Day 15 | Ed & Christy Shepherd
Luke 2:40-47

Where Will You Be Found This Christmas Season?

The humility of Jesus blows me away. Coming to
earth as a baby, wrapped in human flesh. Allowing sinful
human beings to raise and teach him. Practicing the
customs of the Passover which, unbeknownst to those
around him, were customs that foretold the fate and
salvation to come through the blood shed by this young,
wise boy in their midst.

Luke tells us that Jesus, the child, grew and became
strong, filled with wisdom, and the favor of God was upon
him. He also notes that Jesus chose to stay behind in
Jerusalem in order to sit among the teachers, listening to
them and asking them questions. Jesus was singularly
focused. He knew who he was and whose he was.

So where are we in our journey to conforming to the
image of Jesus? Are we walking on this earth with similar
humility? Being a child of the king, and all the while being a
servant to all? Sitting at Jesus’ feet in prayer and in His
Word, forsaking the many distractions? Let us be found
sitting with Jesus, listening to Him, and asking Him questions
this Christmas season, learning from Him and rejoicing in His
undeserved favor.